
“Perth identity”, Neil *******, is trying to learn about all this newfangled PHP and MySQL stuff and spends way too much time in front of a computer. He would probably have pasty white skin, if he wasn’t brown. His day job sees him as something of a mutation between a computer engineer and a chemist, and there he occasionally writes Delphi, Octave, VB (sounds like a disease) and C++ code. Away from his computer he enjoys planning travels (in the neighbourhood and overseas) and would like to visit Europe as his next overseas trip (but not for some time). He has just returned from India and Singapore. Neil doesn’t watch much tv, but his favourite shows are Spicks and Specks and The New Inventors. He tries to use his bicycle and public transport more then his car and would like to save enough money for a home loan deposit – while this is still possible in Perth.

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