Archive for buses

Hurry burry spoils the curry!

I was taken with the road safety signage in India. Travelling in the mountainous areas of the country – Himachal Pradesh and the north of West Bengal, there was plenty of safety advice by the roadside. Much more entertaining then “Local Police Are Targetting … Speed”, or the current road toll, which is the common signage on country roads in WA. Here are some examples, which I scribbled into my notebook:

“Don’t gossip, let him drive”

“I like you dear, but please slow down”

“It’s not a race or rally, slow down and enjoy the valley”

“Don’t drive fast, somebody is waiting for you”

“Anytime is safety time”

“Drive, don’t fly” (on a road featuring many precipices and big drops)

“If you are married, divorce speed”

“If you are married to speed, divorce her”

“Time is money, but life is precious”

“Donate blood in blood bank, not on this road”

“Enjoy your ride, don’t commit suicide”

“Drive in peace, not in pieces”

and “Hurry burry spoils the curry”

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